
Clean & Affordable Water

At Your Finger Tips

Get water, when you need it! Efficient potable water delivery service at your fingertips.

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What We Offer

We deliver technology-backed solutions for efficient water accessibility, water distribution and water management

Orban Springs Mobile App

Orban Springs Mobile App

Easily connect with providers and vendors, find water artisans and plumbers on the Orban Springs app.

Water Distribution

Water Distribution

We provide channels for efficient delivery of essential water supply services to communities, individuals and corporate entities through a network of partners and vendors.

Water Analysis

Water Analysis

Gain accurate insights into your water quality with real-time water analysis

Vendor Platform

Vendor Platform

Leverage technology to efficiently manage your water distribution business. Our vendor platform offers real-time analysis, interactive dashboards, fleet management tools and accurate insights into all aspects of your business

IoT Smart Meter

IoT Smart Meter

Remotely monitor, control and optimize your water systems. Our IoT smart meters provide real-time updates and tools for efficient water management, water accounting, billing and flow monitoring.

How to get started

Download our appSet up appStart making ordersGet our meter

What our customers say


Our Partners

Test zone area

Borehole Union of 9thmile Water, Enugu

Enugu State Union of Water Tanker Drivers


Genyz Solution (a telcom company)

Enugu State University of Science and Technology

Download Our App

Get access to clean potable water at the touch of a button. Experience premium water delivery services, responsive customer support and much more...

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